a free online service
for automatic recognition of nanoparticles
Who needs our online service?
Specialists in the field of scanning probe microscopy.

The scanning probe microscopy is one of the powerful modern research techniques allowing investigate the morphology and the local properties of the solid body surface with high spatial resolution.
What are we counting?
number of particles
the average diameter of the particles
histogram of the size distribution
Features of our online service
  • Process images of any objects represented as intensity spots such as particles, biological cells, objects in images from quadrocopters
  • Correct the contours predicted by the neural network
  • Process multiple files at once
  • Fit the predicted contours on a 2D Gaussian surface
Get accurate nanoparticle data using a trained neural network
the video tutorial
on using
the service
You can reach us at our Telegram group @nanoparticles_nsk and get an answer from the most qualified professional.
  • Alexey G. Okunev
    Dr., Vice-rector for development programs at Novosibirsk State University, Director of the Higher College of Informatics NSU, senior researcher at the Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS.
    For questions concerning cooperation
  • Andrey V. Matveev
    Dr., head of the Project office of NSU, Director of development of the faculty of natural Sciences of NSU, senior researcher at the Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, researcher of the research and educational center "Machine learning and big data analysis" NSU
    For questions concerning organizational issues
  • Mikhail Yu. Mashukov
    Junior researcher of the research and educational center "Machine learning and big data analysis" NSU.
    For questions concerning the operation of the service
  • Anna V. Nartova
    Dr., senior researcher at the Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, associate Professor of NSU, researcher of the research and educational center "Machine learning and big data analysis" NSU
    For questions concerning the calculation method