november 8
2016 year
Scientific library of NSU informs about the access to electronic resources

As part of CAE "Low-Dimensional Hybrid Materials hybrid materials" Scientific Library of NSU opened access to the electronic database of Inorganic Crystal Structure Database data (ICSD).
Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD) contains the most complete structural information on inorganic compounds from 1913 to the present. Available Gmelin Institute for Inorganic Chemistry and Information centre FIZ Karlsruhe. Thanks to the graphic programs the images can be rotated and moved, and the atoms to paint depending on the atomic number, charge, symmetry, position, etc. the Program allows to calculate interatomic distances and angles. ICSD is an indispensable information source for chemists, physicists, mineralogists and geologists for teaching and research in the field of crystallography.
More detailed information about the electronic licensed resources in the Scientific library of NSU