Публикации в журналах,
индексируемых в Scopus: ноябрь
Redox-dependent distribution of early macro-organisms: Evidence from the terminal Ediacaran Khatyspyt Formation in Arctic Siberia
Cui, H., Grazhdankin, D.V., Xiao, S., (...), Liu, X.-M., Kaufman, A.J.
Geochemical, isotopic, and geochronological evidence for subsynchronous island-arc magmatism and terrigenous sedimentation (Predivinsk terrane of the Yenisei Ridge)
Nozhkin, A.D., Dmitrieva, N.V., Likhanov, I.I., Serov, P.A., Kozlov, P.S.
Neoproterozoic metavolcanosedimentary rocks of the Bozdak Group in southern Ulutau (Central Kazakhstan): isotope-geochemical and geochronological data
Dmitrieva, N.V., Letnikova, E.F., Shkol'nik, S.I., (...), Nikolaeva, M.S., Sharf, I.V.
In-bearing potential of tin‒sulfide mineralization in ore deposits of the Russian Far East
Pavlova, G.G., Vladimirov, A.G., Gvozdev, V.I., (...), Gonevchuk, V.G., Tishin, P.A.
The dislocation structure of diamond crystals grown on seeds in the Mg-C system
Khokhryakov, A.F., Nechaev, D.V., Palyanov, Y.N., Kuper, K.E.
Argutostrea gen. nov.: Questions of taxonomy and ethology of Middle–Late Jurassic epibiont oysters (Bivalvia, Ostreoidea)
Kosenko, I.N., Seltser, V.B.
Upper Triassic pyritized bivalve mollusks from the Sentachan orogenic gold–antimony deposit, eastern Yakutia: Mineralogy and sulfur isotopic composition
Pal'yanova, G.A., Sobolev, E.S., Reutsky, V.N., Bortnikov, N.S.
Cenozoic history of topography in southeastern Gorny Altai: thermochronology and resistivity and gravity records
Dobretsov, N.L., Buslov, M.M., Vasilevsky, A.N., Vetrov, E.V., Nevedrova, N.N.
In-bearing potential of tin‒sulfide mineralization in ore deposits of the Russian Far East
Pavlova, G.G., Vladimirov, A.G., Gvozdev, V.I., (...), Gonevchuk, V.G., Tishin, P.A.
The dislocation structure of diamond crystals grown on seeds in the Mg-C system
Khokhryakov, A.F., Nechaev, D.V., Palyanov, Y.N., Kuper, K.E.
Argutostrea gen. nov.: Questions of taxonomy and ethology of Middle–Late Jurassic epibiont oysters (Bivalvia, Ostreoidea)
Kosenko, I.N., Seltser, V.B.
Geochemical, isotopic, and geochronological evidence for subsynchronous island-arc magmatism and terrigenous sedimentation (Predivinsk terrane of the Yenisei Ridge)
Nozhkin, A.D., Dmitrieva, N.V., Likhanov, I.I., Serov, P.A., Kozlov, P.S.
Late Permian–Early Triassic traps of the Kuznetsk Basin, Russia: Geochemistry and petrogenesis in respect to an extension of the Siberian Large Igneous Province
Svetlitskaya, T.V., Nevolko, P.A.
Graphite and diamond formation via the interaction of iron carbide and Fe,Ni-sulfide under mantle P–T parameters
Bataleva, Y.V., Palyanov, Y.N., Borzdov, Y.M., Sobolev, N.V.
Parameters of plumes of North Asia
Kirdyashkin, A.G., Kirdyashkin, A.A.
Evaluation of formation pore pressure behind the casing using borehole gravity data
Dashevsky, Y.A., Petrov, S., Vasilevskiy, A.N., Bocharov, O.B., Dyatlov, G.V.
Olivine inclusions in Siberian diamonds and mantle xenoliths: Contrasting water and trace-element contents
Jean, M.M., Taylor, L.A., Howarth, G.H., (...), Golovin, A.V., Sobolev, N.V.
Various growth environments of cloudy diamonds from the Malobotuobia kimberlite field (Siberian craton)
Skuzovatov, S., Zedgenizov, D., Howell, D., Griffin, W.L.
Regular cuboid diamonds from placers on the northeastern Siberian platform
Zedgenizov, D.A., Kalinina, V.V., Reutsky, V.N., Yuryeva, O.P., Rakhmanova, M.I.
Retrograde isochemical phase transformations of majoritic garnets included in diamonds: A case study of subcalcic Cr-rich majoritic pyrope from a Snap Lake diamond, Canada
Sobolev, N.V., Wirth, R., Logvinova, A.M., Yelisseyev, A.P., Kuzmin, D.V.
Cr-rich rutile: A powerful tool for diamond exploration
Malkovets, V.G., Rezvukhin, D.I., Belousova, E.A., (...), Pokhilenko, N.P., Sobolev, N.V.
High-pressure behavior of HEU-type zeolites: X-ray diffraction study of clinoptilolite-Na
Seryotkin, Y.V.
Yakutites: Are they impact diamonds from the Popigai crater?
Yelisseyev, A.P., Afanasiev, V.P., Panchenko, A.V., (...), Kaichev, V.V., Saraev, А.А.
Polycrystalline diamond aggregates from the Mir kimberlite pipe, Yakutia: Evidence for mantle metasomatism
Sobolev, N.V., Shatsky, V.S., Zedgenizov, D.A., Ragozin, A.L., Reutsky, V.N.
Synthesis of diamonds with mineral, fluid and melt inclusions
Bataleva, Y.V., Palyanov, Y.N., Borzdov, Y.M., Kupriyanov, I.N., Sokol, A.G.
Публикации в журналах,
индексируемых в Scopus: декабрь
Study of Ga2S3 crystals grown from melt and PbCl2 flux
Kokh, K.A., Huang, Z.-M., Huang, J.-G., (...), Lanskii, G.V., Andreev, Y.M.
Application of the marine circular electric dipole method in high latitude Arctic regions using drifting ice floes
Mogilatov, V., Goldman, M., Persova, M., (...), Trubacheva, O., Zlobinskiy, A.
Geodynamics of the Barents–Kara margin in the Mesozoic inferred from paleomagnetic data on rocks from the Franz Josef Land Archipelago
Mikhaltsov, N.E., Karyakin, Y.V., Abashev, V.V., (...), Vernikovsky, V.A., Travin, A.V.
Radial mosaic internal structure of rounded diamond crystals from alluvial placers of Siberian platform
Ragozin, A.L., Zedgenizov, D.A., Kuper, K.E., Shatsky, V.S.
Opening up a window into ecosystems with Ediacara-type organisms: preservation of molecular fossils in the Khatyspyt Lagerstätte (Arctic Siberia)
Duda, J.-P., Thiel, V., Reitner, J., Grazhdankin, D.
Structural evolution of Li-exchaned natrolite at pressure-induced over-hydration: An X-ray diffraction study
Seryotkin, Y.V., Likhacheva, A.Y., Rashchenko, S.V.
Compressibility and phase transitions of potassium carbonate at pressures below 30 kbar
Gavryushkin, P.N., Rashenko, S.V., Shatskiy, A.F., Litasov, K.D., Ancharov, A.I.
Investigating P- and S-wave velocity structure beneath the Marmara region (Turkey) and the surrounding area from local earthquake tomography the Next Marmara Earthquake: Disaster Mitigation, Recovery and Early Warning 4. Seismology
Polat, G., Özel, N.M., Koulakov, I.
Petrogenesis of dunites of the Guli ultrabasic massif (northern Siberian Platform)
Simonov, V.A., Vasil'ev, Y.R., Stupakov, S.I., Kotlyarov, A.V., Karmanov, N.S.
Optimization of porous heat-insulating ceramics manufacturing from zeolitic rocks
Kazantseva, L.K., Rashchenko, S.V.
Origin of REE-rich ferrocarbonatites in southern Siberia (Russia): implications based on melt and fluid inclusions
Prokopyev, I.R., Borisenko, A.S., Borovikov, A.A., Pavlova, G.G.
Transformation of pyrite to pyrrhotite in the presence of Au-Ag alloys at 500 °c
Palyanova, G., Kokh, K., Seryotkin, Y.
Oil industry of major historical centers of the Volga-Ural petroleum province: past, current state, and long-run prospects
Kontorovich, A.E., Eder, L.V., Filimonova, I.V., Mishenin, M.V., Nemov, V.Y.
Unusual growth macrolayers on 100 faces of diamond crystals from magnesium-based systems
Khokhryakov, A.F., Nechaev, D.V., Palyanov, Y.N.
Thermodynamics of micropolar Bingham fluids
Shelukhin, V.V., Neverov, V.V.
Forbidden fruits in the Garden of Ediacara
Grazhdankin, D.
Down-Conversion of Short-Wavelength Radiation in LBO Crystal
Kononova, N.G., Kokh, A.E., Kokh, K.A., (...), Svetlichnyi, V.A., Andreev, Y.M.
Single Electron Gating of Topological Insulators
Sessi, P., Bathon, T., Kokh, K.A., Tereshchenko, O.E., Bode, M.
Crystal growth, structure, magnetic properties and theoretical exchange interaction calculations of Cu2MnBO5
Sofronova, S., Moshkina, E., Nazarenko, I., (...), Veligzhanin, A., Bezmaternykh, L.
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