Публикации в журналах,
индексируемых в Scopus: январь
Paleoproterozoic rejuvenation and replacement of Archaean lithosphere: Evidence from zircon U–Pb dating and Hf isotopes in crustal xenoliths at Udachnaya, Siberian craton
Moyen, J.-F., Paquette, J.-L., Ionov, D.A., (...), Golovin, A.V., Moine, B.N.
Evaluation of formation pore pressure behind the casing using borehole gravity data
Dashevsky, Y.A., Petrov, S., Vasilevskiy, A.N., Bocharov, O.B., Dyatlov, G.V.
Distribution of Cambrian salts in the western Siberian craton (Yurubcheno-Tokhomo field, Russia)
Novikov, D.A.
Raman spectroscopy of various phosphate minerals and occurrence of tuite in the Elga IIE iron meteorite
Litasov, K.D., Podgornykh, N.M.
Публикации в журналах,
индексируемых в Scopus: февраль
Afontova Gora II archaeological site: Geology and postdepositional deformation (Krasnoyarsk, Siberia)
Zolnikov, I.D., Deev, E.V., Slavinskiy, V.S., (...), Lysenko, D.N., Stasyuk, I.V.
Lu-Hf isotope composition of zircon as an indicator of the sources for Paleoproterozoic collisional granites (Sharyzhalgai uplift, Siberian craton)
Turkina, O.M., Kapitonov, I.N.
Magneto- and carbon-isotope stratigraphy of the Lower-Middle Bathonian in the Sokur section (Saratov, Central Russia): implications for global correlation
Dzyuba, O.S., Yu Guzhikov, A., Manikin, A.G., (...), Seltzer, V.B., Urman, O.S.
Crystallographic assembly of macroscopic crystals by subparallel splicing of multiple seeds
Thomas, V.G., Daneu, N., Rečnik, A., (...), Belinsky, S.P., Gavryushkin, P.N.
New fluoride borate with 'anti-zeolite' structure: A possible link to Ba3(BO3)2
Rashchenko, S.V., Bekker, T.B., Bakakin, V.V., (...), Simonova, E.A., Goryainov, S.V.
Carbon and nitrogen speciation in nitrogen-rich C–O–H–N fluids at 5.5–7.8 GPa
Sokol, A.G., Palyanov, Y.N., Tomilenko, A.A., Bul'bak, T.A., Palyanova, G.A.
Unknown large ancient earthquakes along the Kurai fault zone (Gorny Altai): new results of palaeoseismological and archaeoseismological studies
Deev, E.V., Turova, I.V., Borodovskiy, A.P., Zolnikov, I.D., Oleszczak, L.
Публикации в журналах,
индексируемых в Scopus: март
Modeling the dynamics of sublimation of fractured rocks in the lithospheric mantle wedge beneath volcanoes of the Avacha group (Kamchatka)
Sharapov, V.N., Kuznetsov, G.V., Logachev, V.P., Cherepanova, V.K., Cherepanov, A.N.
Evidence of trace element emission during the combustion of sulfide-bearing metallurgical slags
Bortnikova, S.B., Olenchenko, V.V., Gaskova, O.L., (...), Devyatova, A.Y., Kucher, D.O.
Mineralogy, age and genesis of apatite-dolomite ores at the Seligdar apatite deposit (Central Aldan, Russia)
Prokopyev, I.R., Doroshkevich, A.G., Ponomarchuk, A.V., Sergeev, S.A.
Thermodynamics and Equations of State of Iron to 350 GPa and 6000 K
Dorogokupets, P.I., Dymshits, A.M., Litasov, K.D., Sokolova, T.S.
Публикации в журналах,
индексируемых в Scopus: апрель
Incommensurately modulated twin structure of nyerereite Na1.64K0.36Ca(CO3)2
Bolotina, N.B., Gavryushkin, P.N., Korsakov, A.V., (...), Zaitsev, A.N., Litasov, K.D.
Pyroxenite veins in spinel peridotites of the Unnavayam sheet, Kuyul ophiolite terrane (Koryak Upland): Origin and setting of formation
Ledneva, G.V., Bazylev, B.A., Kuzmin, D.V., Kononkova, N.N.
P-V-T equation of state of CaCO3 aragonite to 29 GPa and 1673 K: In situ X-ray diffraction study
Litasov, K.D., Shatskiy, A., Gavryushkin, P.N., (...), Akilbekov, A.T., Inerbaev, T.M.
Tectonic evolution of the Arctic onshore and offshore regions of the West Siberian petroleum province
Kontorovich, V.A., Ayunova, D.V., Gubin, I.A., (...), Solov'ev, M.V., Surikova, E.S.
I.M. Gubkin's paradigm of the development of the USSR oil industry in the 20th century
Kontorovich, A.E.
Organic geochemistry of rocks of the Mesoproterozoic Malgin Formation and their depositional environments (southeastern Siberian Platform)
Suslova, E.A., Parfenova, T.M., Saraev, S.V., Nagovitsyn, K.E.
South-Tunguska petroliferous region: geologic structure and petroleum potential
Kuznetsova, E.N., Gubin, I.A., Gordeeva, A.O., (...), Moiseev, S.A., Kontorovich, A.E.
Geochemistry of organic matter of the Bazhenov Formation in the north of the Khantei anteclise
Kostyreva, E.A., Sotnich, I.S.
Phase relations in the Fe-Fe3C-Fe3N system at 7.8 GPa and 1350 °C: Implications for carbon and nitrogen hosts in Fe
-saturated upper mantle
Sokol, A.G., Kruk, A.N., Seryotkin, Y.V., Korablin, A.A., Palyanov, Y.N.
History of anticlinal traps and oil and gas fields in Jurassic reservoirs in the northern West Siberian basin
Pervukhina, N.V., Shemin, G.G., Moskvin, V.I.
Geology, mineralogy, geochemistry and δ
S of sedimentary rock-hosted Au deposits in Song Hien structure, NE Vietnam
Nevolko, P.A., Hoa, T.T., Redin, Y.O., (...), Pham Thi, D., Huong, N.T.
Lithology, organic geochemistry, and petroleum potential of the northern areas of the Kureika syneclise
Varaksina, I.V., Timoshina, I.D., Kontorovich, A.E., Tumashov, I.V.
Lithology, geochemistry, and aspects of separation of the Kogalym Member within the Lower Vasyugan Subhorizon (Upper Bathonian-Lowermost Oxfordian) of West Siberia
Varaksina, I.V., Timoshina, I.D., Kontorovich, A.E., Tumashov, I.V.
Lithology, geochemistry, and aspects of separation of the Kogalym Member within the Lower Vasyugan Subhorizon (Upper Bathonian-Lowermost Oxfordian) of West Siberia
Yan, P.A., Vakulenko, L.G., Kostyreva, E.A., (...), Burleva, O.V., Nikolenko, O.D.
Hydrocarbon composition and structural parameters of resins and asphaltenes of naphthenic oils of northern West Siberia
Pevneva, G.S., Fursenko, E.A., Voronetskaya, N.G., (...), Kashirtsev, V.A., Shevchenko, N.P.
Thermal maturity of uppermost Middle Jurassic sediments in the West Siberian basin
Fomin, A.N.
Geochemistry, composition, and structure of protoasphaltenes in organic matter of recent lacustrine sediments
Borisova, L.S.
Stability of phlogopite in ultrapotassic kimberlite-like systems at 5.5–7.5 GPa
Sokol, A.G., Kruk, A.N., Palyanov, Y.N., Sobolev, N.V.
Geologic prerequisites for high petroleum potential of the northern Siberian Platform
Starosel'tsev, V.S., Divina, T.A., Krol, L.A., Shishkin, B.B.
Публикации в журналах,
индексируемых в Scopus: май
Effect of CT image size and resolution on the accuracy of rock property estimates
Bazaikin, Y., Gurevich, B., Iglauer, S., (...), Lisitsa, V., Reshetova, G.
Three different types of plumbing system beneath the neighboring active volcanoes of Tolbachik, Bezymianny, and Klyuchevskoy in Kamchatka
Koulakov, I., Abkadyrov, I., Al Arifi, N., (...), Stupina, T., West, M.
Possible sources of hydrothermal activity and mud volcanism in southern Sakhalin inferred from local earthquake seismic tomography
Koulakov, I., Serdyukov, A.S., Konovalov, A.V., (...), Al-Arifi, N., El Khrepy, S.
Underestimated seismic hazard in the south of the Issyk-Kul Lake region (northern Tian Shan)
Korzhenkov, A.M., Deev, E.V.
Neotectonic and modern stresses of South Sakhalin
Sim, L.A., Bogomolov, L.M., Kuchai, O.A., Tataurova, A.A.
Petrology and age of granitoids of the Aturkol Massif, Gorny Altai: Contribution in the problem of formation of intraplate granitoids
Kruk, N.N., Gavryushkina, O.A., Rudnev, S.N., (...), Kovach, V.P., Kruk, E.A.
The Vorontsovskoe Au-Hg-As ore deposit (Northern Urals, Russia): Geological setting, ore mineralogy, geochemistry, geochronology and genetic model
Murzin, V.V., Naumov, E.A., Azovskova, O.B., (...), Rovnushkin, M.Y., Pirajno, F.
Inclusions in diamonds from Snap Lake kimberlites (Slave Craton, Canada): Geochemical features of crystallization
Ivanova, O.A., Logvinova, A.M., Pokhilenko, N.P.
Simulation of nonisothermal metasomatism of peridotite from mantle wedge beneath the Avacha group of volcanoes (Kamchatka)
Sharapov, V.N., Kuznetsov, G.V., Timina, T.Y., Tomilenko, A.A., Chudnenko, K.V.
Composition of primary kimberlite melt in a garnet lherzolite mantle source: constraints from melting phase relations in anhydrous Udachnaya-East kimberlite with variable CO2 content at 6.5 GPa
Shatskiy, A., Litasov, K.D., Sharygin, I.S., Ohtani, E.
Organic geochemistry of the Lower Cambrian Sinyaya Formation (northern slope of the Aldan anteclise)
Parfenova, T.M., Korovnikov, I.V., Eder, V.G., Melenevskii, V.N.
A new approach to shallow-depth electromagnetic sounding
Balkov, E.V., Fadeev, D.I., Karin, Y.G., (...), Manshtein, Y.A., Panin, G.L.
Modeling of the formation of nonisothermal zoning in magnesian skarns in the ore-magmatic fluid systems of intrusive traps of the southern Siberian Platform
Mazurov, M.P., Bykova, V.G.
3-D seismic tomography of the lithosphere and its geodynamic implications beneath the northeast India region
Raoof, J., Mukhopadhyay, S., Koulakov, I., Kayal, J.R.
Lower Jurassic palynostratigraphy of Eastern Siberia
Goryacheva, A.A.
Migration of fluids and melts in subduction zones and general aspects of thermophysical modeling in geology
Dobretsov, N.L., Simonov, V.A., Koulakov, I.Y., Kotlyarov, A.V.
Equations of state of iron nitrides ε-Fe3Nx and γ-Fe4Ny to 30 GPa and 1200 K and implication for nitrogen in the Earth's core
Litasov, K.D., Shatskiy, A., Ponomarev, D.S., Gavryushkin, P.N.
HPHT diamond crystallization in the Mg-Si-C system: Effect of Mg/Si composition
Palyanov, Y., Kupriyanov, I., Borzdov, Y., Nechaev, D., Bataleva, Y.
Specific internal structure of diamonds from zarnitsa kimberlite pipe
Ragozin, A., Zedgenizov, D., Kuper, K., Palyanov, Y.
Native gold from the Inagli Pt–Au placer deposit (the Aldan Shield, Russia): geochemical characteristics and implications for possible bedrock sources
Svetlitskaya, T.V., Nevolko, P.A., Kolpakov, V.V., Tolstykh, N.D.
Публикации в журналах,
индексируемых в Scopus: июнь
Main stages of tectonomagmatic activity of the Tuva–Mongolian microcontinent in the Precambrian: data on the U–Pb age of zircons
Letnikova, E.F., Shkolnik, S.I., Letnikov, F.A., (...), Ivanov, A.V., Prochenkin, A.I.
Late Vendian postcollisional leucogranites of Yenisei Ridge
Nozhkin, A.D., Likhanov, I.I., Reverdatto, V.V., (...), Popov, N.V., Dmitrieva, N.V.
Spectroscopic constraints on growth of Siberian mixed-habit diamonds
Skuzovatov, S.Y., Zedgenizov, D.A., Rakevich, A.L.
Calcareous sediments of the Muwaqqar Chalk Marl Formation, Jordan: Mineralogical and geochemical evidences for Zn and Cd enrichment
Sokol, E.V., Kozmenko, O.A., Khoury, H.N., (...), Sokol, I.A., Zaikin, P.
Stable isotope (C, O, H) characteristics and genesis of the Tazheran brucite marbles and skarns, Olkhon region, Russia
Doroshkevich, A., Sklyarov, E., Starikova, A., (...), Izbrodin, I., Posokhov, V.
A DFT calculation of EPR parameters of a germanium-vacancy defect in diamond
Komarovskikh, A., Dmitriev, A., Nadolinny, V., Palyanov, Y.
Acoustic properties of hydrate-bearing sand samples:laboratory measurements (setup, methods, and results)
Duchkov, A.D., Duchkov, A.A., Permyakov, M.E., (...), Golikov, N.A., Drobchik, A.N.
Depth differentiation of the Middle Ordovician graptolite and trilobite complexes of Gorny Altai
Sennikov, N.V., Timokhin, A.V., Lykova, E.V.
Majorite-olivine-high-Ca pyroxene assemblage in the shock-melt veins of Pervomaisky L6 chondrite
Bazhan, I.S., Litasov, K.D., Ohtani, E., Ozawa, S.
Wave transforms of transient electromagnetic field in conductive earth
Gretskov, G.A., Epov, M.I., Antonov, E.Y.
Visible and "invisible" forms of gold and silver in the crystallization products of melts in the Fe–S–Ag–Au system: experimental data
Palyanova, G.A., Mikhlin, Y.L., Karmanov, N.S., Kokh, K.A., Seryotkin, Y.V.
Joint inversion of induction and galvanic logging data in axisymmetric geological models
Mikhaylov, I.V., Glinskikh, V.N., Nikitenko, M.N., Surodina, I.V.
Hydrocarbon composition of bitumen from deeply buried terrestrial organic matter (zone of apocatagenesis)
Kashirtsev, V.A., Dolzhenko, K.V., Fomin, A.N., Kontorovich, A.E., Shevchenko, N.P.
Reflection of Holocene climatic changes in mineralogy of bottom sediments from Yarkovsky Pool of Lake Chany (southern West Siberia)
Zhdanova, A.N., Solotchina, E.P., Solotchin, P.A., Krivonogov, S.K., Danilenko, I.V.
Stability of methane in reduced C–O–H fluid at 6.3 GPa and 1300–1400°C
Sokol, A.G., Tomilenko, A.A., Bul'bak, T.A., (...), Palyanov, Y.N., Sobolev, N.V.
Small-intrusion-hosted Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide deposits in northeastern Vietnam: Perspectives for regional mineral potential
Svetlitskaya, T.V., Nevolko, P.A., Ngo, T.P., (...), Bui, A.N., Vu, H.L.
Petrology of foiditic and meymechitic volcanism in the Maimecha-Kotui province (Polar Siberia)
Vasil'ev, Y.R., Gora, M.P., Kuz'min, D.V.
Phase boundary between cubic B1 and rhombohedral structures in (Mg,Fe)O magnesiowüstite determined by in situ X-ray diffraction measurements
Dymshits, A.M., Litasov, K.D., Shatskiy, A., (...), Podborodnikov, I.V., Higo, Y.
Публикации в журналах,
индексируемых в Scopus: июль
Continental construction in Central Asia and actualistic comparisons with western Pacific: Preface
Safonova, I., Seltmann, R., Sun, M., Xiao, W.
Full Aftershock Sequence of the M w 6.9 2003 Boumerdes Earthquake, Algeria: Space–Time Distribution, Local Tomography and Seismotectonic Implications
Kherroubi, A., Yelles-Chaouche, A., Koulakov, I., (...), Semmane, F., Aidi, C.
The Early Callovian genus Сadochamoussetia (Ammonoidea, Cardioceratidae) in the lower reaches of the Anabar River, Northern Central Siberia
Kniazev, V.G., Meledina, S.V., Alifirov, A.S., Nikitenko, B.L.
High-pressure phases of sulfur: Topological analysis and crystal structure prediction
Gavryushkin, P.N., Litasov, K.D., Dobrosmislov, S.S., Popov, Z.I.
Late Paleozoic anorogenic magmatism in Southern Mongolia: Evolutionary stages and structural control
Yarmolyuk, V.V., Kozlovsky, A.M., Travin, A.V.
Conditions of formation of gold-bearing magnetite-chlorite-carbonate rocks of the Karabash ultrabasic massif (South Urals)
Murzin, V.V., Varlamov, D.A., Palyanova, G.A.
Altered rocks of the Onguren carbonatite complex in the Western Tansbaikal Region: Geochemistry and composition of accessory minerals
Savelyeva, V.B., Bazarova, E.P., Sharygin, V.V., Karmanov, N.S., Kanakin, S.V.
Parameters of thermochemical plumes responsible for the formation of batholiths: Results of experimental simulation
Kirdyashkin, A.A., Kirdyashkin, A.G., Gurov, V.V.
A simple method to model the reduced environment of lake bottom sapropel formation
Gaskova, O.L., Strakhovenko, V.D., Ermolaeva, N.I., Zarubina, E.Y., Ovdina, E.A.
Policy of regional authorities in establishing petrochemical clusters of Eastern Siberia and the Far East
Plyaskina, N.I., Kharitonova, V.N., Vizhina, I.A.
Phases of the Fe–C–N system as hosts of mantle carbon and nitrogen: Experimental studies at 7.8 GPa and 1350°C
Sokol, A.G., Kruk, A.N., Palyanov, Y.N., Sobolev, N.V.
Isotope compositions of C and O of magmatic calcites from the Udachnaya–East pipe kimberlite, Yakutia
Tomilenko, A.A., Dublyansky, Y.V., Kuzmin, D.V., Sobolev, N.V.
Публикации в журналах,
индексируемых в Scopus: август
Discovery of Upper Oligocene–Lower Miocene brown coal deposits (Kosh-Agach formation) in the Dzhazator River valley (Southeastern Russian Altai): Neotectonic and paleogeographical aspects
Agatova, A.R., Nepop, R.K., Rudaya, N.A., (...), Panov, V.S., Shurygin, B.N.
Reference section of Neogene-Quarternary deposits in the Uimon Basin (Gorny Altai)
Rusanov, G.G., Deev, E.V., Zolnikov, I.D., (...), Khazina, I.V., Kuz'mina, O.B.
Fossil travertines and quasi-travertine in the Minusa basin (West Siberia): structure, composition, and comparative analysis
Fedoseev, G.S., Vorontsov, A.A., Orekhov, A.A.
Growth of the complex borates YxRySc2+z(BO3)4 (R = Nd, Pr, x + y + z = 2) with huntite structure
Kokh, A.E., Kuznetsov, A.B., Pestryakov, E.V., (...), Uralbekov, B., Kokh, K.A.
Riftogenic magmatism of western part of the Early Mesozoic Mongolian–Transbaikalian igneous province: Results of geochronological studies
Yarmolyuk, V.V., Kozlovsky, A.M., Salnikova, E.B., Travin, A.V., Kudryashova, E.A.
Paleomagnetism and geochronology of volcanogenic-sedimentary rocks of Henrietta Island (De Long Archipelago, Arctic Ocean)
Chernova, A.I., Metelkin, D.V., Matushkin, N.Y., Vernikovsky, V.A., Travin, A.V.
Iron carbide as a source of carbon for graphite and diamond formation under lithospheric mantle P-T parameters
Bataleva, Y.V., Palyanov, Y.N., Borzdov, Y.M., Bayukov, O.A., Zdrokov, E.V.
Primary melt and fluid inclusions in regenerated crystals and phenocrysts of olivine from kimberlites of the Udachnaya-East Pipe, Yakutia: The problem of the kimberlite melt
Tomilenko, A.A., Kuzmin, D.V., Bul'bak, T.A., Sobolev, N.V.
Geochemistry of Precambrian volcanosedimentary rocks of the Karsakpai Group in southern Ulutau (Central Kazakhstan)
Dmitrieva, N.V., Letnikova, E.F., Vishnevskaya, I.A., Serov, P.A.
Genesis of volatiles in suprasubduction basaltic melts from Tolbachik Volcano, Kamchatka
Dobretsov, N.L., Simonov, V.A., Kotlyarov, A.V., Stupakov, S.I.
Development of a terrestrial reference frame in the Russian Federation
Mazurova, E., Kopeikin, S., Karpik, A.
Публикации в журналах,
индексируемых в Scopus: сентябрь
The Vendian Vorogovka Group of Yenisei Ridge: Chemostratigraphy and results of U–Pb dating of detrital zircons
Vishnevskaya, I.A., Letnikova, E.F., Proshenkin, A.I., (...), Metelkin, D.V., Priyatkina, N.S.
Geology and paleomagnetism of Jeannette Island (De Long Archipelago, Eastern Arctic)
Chernova, A.I., Metelkin, D.V., Matushkin, N.Y., Vernikovsky, V.A., Travin, A.V.
Looking for "missing" nitrogen in the deep Earth
Zedgenizov, D.A., Litasov, K.D.
Transition from melting to carbonization of naphthalene, anthracene, pyrene and coronene at high pressure
Chanyshev, A.D., Litasov, K.D., Shatskiy, A.F., (...), Higo, Y., Ohtani, E.
Specific composition of native silver from the Rogovik Au–Ag deposit, Northeastern Russia
Kravtsova, R.G., Tauson, V.L., Palyanova, G.A., Makshakov, A.S., Pavlova, L.A.
The Power of EPR Techniques in Investigating Functionalization and Penetration into Fibers of Cotton-Bound Antimicrobial Peptides
Dzuba, S.A., Uvarov, M.N., Utkin, D.E., (...), Orlandin, A., Peggion, C.
U-Pb age of zircon from paragneisses in granulite terrane of the Sharyzhalgai uplift (southwest of the Siberian craton): Evidence for the Archean sedimentation and evolution of continental crust from Eoarchean to Mesoarchean
Turkina, O.M., Sergeev, S.A., Sukhorukov, V.P., Rodionov, N.V.
Viscosity of hydrous kimberlite and basaltic melts at high pressures
Persikov, E.S., Bukhtiyarov, P.G., Sokol, A.G.
Transient electromagnetic surveys with unimodal transverse magnetic field: ideas and results
Mogilatov, V.S., Zlobinskiy, A.V., Balashov, B.P.
Paleomagnetism of the Upper Paleozoic of the Novaya Zemlya Archipelago
Abashev, V.V., Metelkin, D.V., Mikhal'tsov, N.E., Vernikovsky, V.A., Matushkin, N.Y.
Major impurity elements in native gold and their association with gold mineralization settings in deposits of Asian folded areas
Gas'kov, I.V.
Instability of secular variations in the horizontal components of the geomagnetic field: quasi-periodic fluctuations and jerks
Ladynin, A.V.
Calcium isotopic fractionation in mantle peridotites by melting and metasomatism and Ca isotope composition of the Bulk Silicate Earth
Kang, J.-T., Ionov, D.A., Liu, F., (...), Zhang, Z.-F., Huang, F.
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