october 26
2016 year
Chinese and Siberian scientists have found a strong photoluminescence in the «defective» graphene

Specialists from the Novosibirsk State University, the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences and Beijing University of Chemical Technology studied the properties of the modified graphite - perforated oxidized graphene.
They had found an explanation of the origin of the observed two-wave photoluminescence, and they had also explained a record of quantum yield in 11.6%. In the future, this compound can be used in electronic and optoelectronic applications like in creating photo-transistor, energy conversion devices, photodetectors and lighting appliances.
Graphene is a monolayer of graphite crystal. Scientists from China and Russia have created thin layers of graphene oxide from graphite oxide, with a large number of defects (holes) in the structure, and studied its structure and photoluminescence properties. The Chinese side was doing the experimental part of the work, while the Russian side was making an interpretation of the results with the help of quantum chemistry.
The study has involved researchers from the laboratory of carbon fibers and functional polymers of Beijing University of Chemical Technology headed by Professor Huaihe Song, carbon nanomaterials laboratory of Novosibirsk State University, laboratory of physical chemistry of nanomaterials of the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry. AV Nikolaev (IIC) of the SB RAS.
An article, based on this study was published in the Carbon(IF = 6,198) magazine Leaky graphene oxide with high quantum yield and dual-wavelength photoluminescence.
As the head of the laboratory of carbon nanomaterials NSU and physical chemistry of nanomaterials Institute of Inorganic Chemistry SB RAS, expert CAE NSU "Low-dimensional hybrid materials" Alexander Okotrub says, oxidized graphene can be widely used in electrochemical applications:
— Perforated graphene layers are like very tiny filters through which only very small molecules can flow.
We have studied the structure of these compounds, their chemical activity, and now we are working on the exploration and usage of such substances in electrochemistry.
Creating defects in the graphene surface, we strongly modify its properties - a charge appears, the type is being changed, concentration and even the nature of conductivity changes too. If graphene is mainly used in electronic applications then oxidized graphene can be used in electrochemistry, in the lithium-ion batteries, as a carrier in electrocatalytic systems, fuel cells, and many other applications.