July 01
Geology is the real science

Modern geology, it would seem, did not go so far from its classical image that developed in the 1950s and 1970s. Among geologists, it is often possible to meet brutal, and often very bearded men (especially in summer) and determined women «with burning eyes». However, the approaches and tools that are now widely used in the geological sciences have moved so far forward that things that seemed to be impossible 30 years ago have now become a routine work.
In June, the Eighth International Conference on Earth Sciences was held in the Novosibirsk Academgorodok. More than 120 young scientists-researchers working in the field of studying the structure and evolution of the matter of our planet took part in its work. The program covered all sections of geological knowledge - from the nanoscale to the global planetary reconstructions, from the ancient history of the earth to the modern processes that are taking place here and now, including the human factor (it is about pollution of the environment and other man-caused processes). Young researchers use in their work the most advanced methods of studying the matter and physical properties of rocks and minerals.
The conference was preceded by two days of lectures and workshops from the leading geologists of Novosibirsk, as well as invited lecturers. Professor Poppe de Boer from the University of Utrecht conducted several lectures on marine sedimentary processes. Dr. Matthew Domier from the University of Oslo conducted a workshop on methods for reconstructing the motion of the continents by using complex methods based on paleomagnetic studies. Young conference participants received valuable experience in speaking in English, exchanged organizational and practical experience, and acquired new professional contacts.
After five days of lectures, reports, and workshops, nearly 50 young geologists went on geological excursions - to ore and mountain Altai, led by employees of Novosibirsk State University and IGM SB RAS Sergei Khromykh and Igor Sharygin. Good weather, nature, and common interests help everyone to chat with each other. An important point, again, was the practice of communicating in English, - among the participants were 13 foreigners from the Czech Republic, Poland, Norway, the Netherlands, and Brazil. During the excursion they have visited different types of deposits - from coal mines in the Chagan-Uzun area - near the border with Mongolia to polymetallic and gold deposits in the vicinity of Rubtsovsk.