New Physics

Search for physical phenomena beyond the Standard Model

Astrophysics, cosmology and cosmic rays
Experiments at electron-positron colliders
Experiments at hadron colliders
Search for New Physics in experiments with intensive muon beams
R&D for new colliders and detectors
Industrial colliders

NSU Leadership Positions
Measurement of tau lepton mass in BES-III detector at BEPC-II collider
A new system has been developed to measure collider energy via the method of backward Compton scattering of laser light on electron. This system allows measuring the mass of tau lepton with the best accuracy in the world.
Development of method of low-background high-resolution detectors for search of Dark matter and coherent neutrino rescatterin
A new concept of coherent avalanche detector with optic registration has been proposed. A feasibility study shows an ability to decrease energy threshold at the level less than 1 keV and obtain spatial resolution about 1 mm. This method can be used to develop positron emission homograph without parallax and to remote monitoring of nuclear reactors.
Study of exotic bottomonium states at Belle detector on KEKB collider
Two new states Zb(10610) and Zb(10650) have been observed for the first time. The properties of these particles cannot be explained if we assume that they consist of two quarks as ordinary mesons.
Measurement of the cross section of e+e- annihilation to hadrons using initial state radiation (ISR) method with BaBar experiment
A new method to measure cross section has been developed. Cross section of main hadron final states is measured at the energy up to 2 GeV. Precise measurement of hadron cross section is required to calculate important parameters of the Standard Model: constant of the electromagnetic interaction alpha and anomaleous magnetic moment of the muon.
Research and Educational Technology Complex of radiation effects
In the course of the project on the basis of pulsed linear electron accelerator ILU-10 with energy of 5 MeV and beam power of 50 kW a complex infrastructure has been established necessary for the development of radiation technologies for industry, medicine, etc., services on the irradiation of various types of products for industry, medicine, pharmacy and others. The complex is used for the training of specialists in the field of radiation technology, the development of radiation sources and radiation-operation of complex technological systems.

Areas of Research
A search for Dark matter. Prototyping and building a full-size detector. Participation in the experiment in Gran Sasso Laboratory
Dark Matter is still not an observed type of matter which does not interact with electromagnetic force. Astronomical observations conclude that 85% of matter in the Universe is Dark Matter. A lot of efforts are implied to develop specialized detectors to find a Dark Matter.

The development of a universal modular micro-satellite platform. A microsatellite launch in 2018
Space experiments in astrophysics use large expensive satellites. However, there are tasks that can be performed by small satellites. We suggest developing a universal module architecture which allows developing tiny satellites that can be started as a side load. We are going to develop a specialized satellite for astrophysics.

The study of CP violation in decays of beauty mesons and baryons
The data set in the LHCb experiment. The CKM matrix elements measurements with the best accuracy | Vub | and the UT angle gamma. Testing a new method of measuring the value of the angle beta. Detector Belle-II calorimeter upgrade and launching the detector experiments. Violation of CP-invariance means non-invariance of the laws of nature with respect to the operation of mirror reflection with simultaneous replacement of all particles by antiparticles (violation of the combined parity, or CP-symmetry). This phenomenon leads to the predominance of matter over antimatter in the universe. This is a necessary condition for the almost complete annihilation of antimatter in the early universe.

Search for the processes in violation of the law of conservation of lepton number. Conducting experiments sensitive to various contributions of new physics
The majority dotted fermions (quarks and neutrinos) participate in flavor changing processes: quark fission and neutrino oscillations. However, no change in charged lepton flavor has as yet been observed. Theoretically such processes cannot be excluded but the Standard Model predicts negligible probabilities for these processes. Detecting these processed will serve as a definite sign of New Physics.
The study of Dark Energy. Specifying acceleration of the expansion of the Universe
Accelerating expansion of the Universe that has been recently discovered indicates the presence of expansion forces with unknown nature. The field connected with these forces has been designated as Dark Energy. The improvement of accuracy of measurement of expansion acceleration is an important task in this project.

Breakthrough projects
Boron Neutron Capture Therapy for oncology
Development of a new medical technology: accelerator-based epithermal neutron source for boron neutron capture therapy for oncological diseases Introduction of this medical technology into clinical practice in the Russian Federation

Publications in journals indexed in Scopus

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Scientists from Novosibirsk and Samara have created elements for controlling terahertz radiation
A team of authors from Novosibirsk State University, the Institute of Nuclear Physics. Budker SB RAS (INP) and the Samara National Research University named after Academician SP Korolev (Samara University) are designed, manufactured and investigated diffractive optical elements for controlling terahertz radiation, which let you create bundles given modal composition or focus the radiation energy specified in two- and three-dimensional art.

Scientific & Technical Council
